Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why is there such a split of voters in America?

Despite the fact that Obama won so convincingly in the 08 elections why is there such a split in opinions of him and his political rival McCain?Why is there such a split of voters in America?
It is a war between Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals are now back in power after loosing the power about 20 years ago (The liberals ruled for over 40 years prior to that).

Actually, the majority of people in the country are conservatives, but the media and hollywood are very liberal so the presidential votes are usually about 50/50, or close. The last election was about 53%/47%. Larger spread than normal, but still almost half the voters did not want Obama.Why is there such a split of voters in America?
A lot more people voted in this election, but Obama only received 4 million more votes than Bush received in 2004.

The split is over political beliefs and Obama is a liberal, while many voters are conservative. The problem with McCain..he voted liberal far too often to truly satisfy the conservative voters.
As far as I'm concerned, McCain was Obama lite. He just sucked a little less than Obama. The republicans ran a luke warm pseudo conservative against a white hot liberal and got their a s s handed to them in the process. They were basically the same candidate with the exception of the pro-life, pro-choice thing.
It takes a good anvil and a good hammer to forge a good product.
propaganda (fox news) has been very effective here. will take a while for the afflicted to come around, if they do.

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