Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do I know if I have fried hair or split/dead ends?

I went for a haircut and the lady said my hair was fried, but a lot of my friends said it's not. It doesn't feel straw-like, and I don't use a hot iron or styling productHow do I know if I have fried hair or split/dead ends?
If you have fried ends that's mostly from heat damage. But if you have split ends that can be from just not treating your hair right, such as not getting it cut as often as it should.How do I know if I have fried hair or split/dead ends?
my hair has lotsa split ends. its b/c i got it highlighted and didn't treat it well. i also straightened it like every second of my life, so it got rlly fried. if your hair has split/dead ends it usually dosn't loook as glossy. hope i helped!

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